IT is the future.
yours too.

We are Czechitas, a nonprofit organization based in the Czech Republic. Our mission is to inspire, train and guide new talents towards stronger diversity and competitiveness in tech.

We are a non-profit organization made up of young women and men who all share one common goal – to increase diversity in the world of IT and to fight for a higher level of digital proficiency among women and in the new generation.

Thousands of women and hundreds of children have already discovered the world of information technology with our help. We motivate them and educate them.
We teach them to programme, code and work with data. We organize workshops at various levels of advancement, summer camps, retaining and evening courses.
We also help our graduates to find their dream jobs in the field and we connect them with our partner companies.

We inspire, train, and guide new talents towards stronger diversity and competitiveness in tech.

One idea

Vytváříme bezpečné prostředí pro všechny.

Bringing technology closer to women and women to technology.
It's as simple as that.

One mission

Nejsi na to sama.

Our mission is to inspire, educate and apply new talents to enhance diversity competitiveness in IT.

One community

Přidej se  k nám.

A community, which connects movers and shakers in education and learning in one place. Community lies at the core of what we do.

Do you want to support us?


Partner companies

General partners

Strategic partners

Regional partners

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